Financial Tips
We believe the key to financial freedom is staying informed and continually educating yourself on your financial investments, decisions, and life.
Below you will find some educational information and resources that we have compiled to help you on your road to financial freedom.
October Was a Good Lesson for Jittery Investors
With the up's and downs of the market over the past year, what has your strategy been when it comes to your investments?Have you changed your portfolio? Stayed the same?We've found this article to be very helpful when it comes to explaining why consistency is crucial...
Six Tips for Wealth and Sanity
Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial Investing can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. If you have a portfolio that was built for you and use the help of a financial advisor, you shouldn’t be too worried about volatility and financial news. Here are a few tips to...
IRS Increases 401(k) Limit By Record Amounts
THIS JUST IN IRS Increases 401(k) Limit By Record Amounts- On October 21st, the Internal Revenue Service announced that the amount individuals can contribute to their 401(k) plans in 2023 has increased to $22,500, up from $20,500 for 2022. The IRS today also issued...
To ARM or not to ARM
Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial With interest rates going up and the housing market still in high demand, you might be looking at what options are available for mortgages- Here is some information on Adjustable Rate Mortgages and what is involved when choosing...
September Market Concerns
🌿Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial🌿
A letter from Dan-
Zeroing in on Your Life Insurance Needs
🩺 Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial 🩺 September is National Life Insurance Awareness Month According to LIMRA- Research shows that people who own life insurance are more likely to feel financially secure. Nearly two thirds of insured Americans say they feel...
The Nuts and Bolts of Life Insurance Beneficiary Arrangements
🔍 Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial 🔎 Last week we talked about the importance of Life Insurance, this week we're going to touch on something that often isn't thought of until you're in the middle of the application process; the basics and importance of Life...
DINE AND DONATE- Kathy’s Story
Viva Financial is proud to announce another charity event! Our sister-in-law, Kathy, has been fighting her battle with ALS for over eight years. She is one of the strongest people we have ever met! We started thinking of how we could do our part in helping to raise...
Tips for the Fast Growing Sandwich Generation
Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial Have you ever heard of the term "Sandwich Generation"? While this may sound delicious, it actually refers to the generation of people who have both children and aging parents to take care of. Sound like you? Here is some...
The Perils of Timing the Stock Market
Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial When discussing the stock market, you may have heard the age old quote "It's all about Timing the Market." For decades this has been a go-to for many financially savvy investors, HOWEVER, even though it may seem like sound logic,...
Mortgage 101
💲Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial💲 With things slowing down and looking like the tides may be turning more towards the buyers favor, we thought it would be helpful to share the basics of mortgages and what you need to know if you are looking to buy, or even sell...
Will Rising Mortgage Rates Slow Down the Housing Market?
Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial We've all felt the impact of the housing market over the past few years, interest rates are low, inventory is down, and home value is UP. At this point, everyone is wondering the same thing; When will things slow down? We may see...