Dollar Cost Averaging Stands the Test of Time

Dollar Cost Averaging Stands the Test of Time

🏦 Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial 🏦​ Dollar cost averaging is a simple investment technique. You invest the same amount of money in shares of a particular stock or mutual fund, for example, each month (or other interval), whether the shares are up or down in...
Dollar Cost Averaging Stands the Test of Time

Checking Your Financial Pulse

🏦 Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial 🏦​ Have you ever given much thought as to what the consequences could be if you did not go to the doctor for ten years? We all know that an annual check-up with a physician is important in maintaining proper health and physical...
Dollar Cost Averaging Stands the Test of Time

Staying on Top of Your 401(k) Can Pay Dividends

🏦 Wisdom Wednesday with Viva Financial 🏦​ Staying on Top of Your 401(k) Can Pay Dividends Lots of investors never bother to check on their 401(k) regularly. But you should keep a constant eye on your funds’ risk level, whether your asset allocation is out of whack and...